Uncommitted Delegates WA on Super Tuesday’s Anti-war Message to Biden


Contact: uncommittedwa@gmail.com; Please review our FAQs and our supporters.

After encouraging results from uncommitted efforts across the Nation, Rami Al-Kabra, spokesperson for Uncommitted Delegates Washington, released the following statement:

“Following the momentum of Michigan, uncommitted Democratic voters in Hawaii and Minnesota made it clear that this movement for a lasting ceasefire, and an end to U.S. weapons and funding for Israel cannot be ignored. Washington State is ready to show that thousands of anti-war Democrats remain uncommitted to Biden as long as this continues.

Biden cannot confidently continue on his path of funding the war in Gaza and expect to secure re-election.

He has fractured the Democratic Party and it’s up to Biden to unite it around the values of the vast majority of voters in his party who oppose the funding of this war. It’s Biden’s choice whether or not he will put our humanity, democracy, and Palestinian lives above Netanyahu’s reckless war. He can choose to become a stronger candidate with this decision or not.”

Note for members of the media: Washington State is unique in its voting drops because of our mail-in and up-to-same-day voter registration. The first election night results are always the most conservative for our state, and then 2-3 days later it swings left quite a bit. So we won't see the truest results on how uncommitted delegates fared until about the 15th, even though polls close March 12 at 8pm.

We have launched phone and text banks, and have several field efforts taking place across the state this weekend.

There will be a Seattle campaign event as the first results come in, but it is also during Ramadan. Location TBD, email uncommittedwa@gmail.com for information.



Uncommitted Delegates in WA State Primary


UAW 4121 Endorses Voting Uncommitted Delegates