Uncommitted Delegates in WA State Primary

Contact Kelsey Hamlin or Kristina Beverlin at uncommittedwa@gmail.com and 206-659-9558

Why Uncommitted Delegates?

It is clear, with Super Tuesday and the large number of Uncommitted votes across the nation, that this effort has already begun incentivizing change: Vice President Harris announced a temporary ceasefire and President Biden started a shift in rhetoric—though his unconditional funding of Israel’s military remains the same. A majority of the Democratic Party’s base still feels unheard. So Washington State continues this momentum. As one of the bluest states in the nation, it should behoove the President that his policies toward Gaza need to change if his most reliable voters are no longer supportive due to his policy decisions. Washington voters know the power of our vote and we plan to use that right to tell the President that his disregard of Palestinian lives and his inability to lead with the values of his base are at the willful detriment of his re-election campaign, and subsequently the stability of our democracy. We’re showing him exactly how he can win, if he chooses.

The Campaign

Our campaign launched on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. We had a shoestring budget of $20,000 (1/10th of Michigan’s) for billboards, printing signs and fliers, and calling and texting voters. We did not have the budget for paid mail, paid digital ads, or paid television ads.

We will host an election night gathering. Please contact us for further details.

What to Expect

In 2020, “Uncommitted Delegates'' received just over 6,450 votes in Washington. We believe 12,000 “Uncommitted Delegates” votes will send a clear message to President Biden that he must change his policies and strategy. Washington State’s mail-in voting system is unique in that it often takes a few days to see reliable results. Most often, conservative votes come in early and a significant portion of progressive votes come in late. We expect to not know the final results until Thursday, March 14 at 4pm, at the earliest. The key counties to watch are King County, Pierce County and Thurston County.



Uncommitted WA emerges victorious after presidential primary


Uncommitted Delegates WA on Super Tuesday’s Anti-war Message to Biden